Spotlight – Health & Fitness, Say Ahhhh

Those who wish a dentist could simply wave a magic wand to erase the pain of needle pricks might just find their jaws dropping to the ground: Their prayers may have been answered. A new computer-controlled delivery unit called The Wand makes the injection of : anesthesia pain-free.

“As wonderful as The Wand is for my patients, it’s just as beneficial to me,” says Jan Linhart, DDS, PC, a Manhattan-based cosmetic and restorative dentist, who finds that the procedure minimizes patients’ discomfort and accelerates their recovery. “It reduces the patient’s anxiety and fear, so I experience less fatigue and can fully devote my energies to my work. The Wand is easy to handle and manipulate, enabling me to proceed with fJinpoint accuracy and increased control. It’s faster, safer and easier.”

Described as the first major advance in dispensing local anesthesia since the syringe was invented 150 years ago, The Wand consists of two components: The first is a featherweight, pen-like needle that emits an anesthetic drip before the needle is inserted, desensitizing the gum and creating an anesthetic pathway.


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