There are very few things as terrible as not being able to show off your smile because your teeth have been discolored.

Well, it’s said that if you know the causes of a problem you’re just on your way to solving it. Wanna know what’s causing your yellow teeth? And how to deal with the problem?

Here are six areas to pay attention to when evaluating what’s causing your yellowing teeth.

1. Your Genes

Every feature you can see on your physical body was inherited from your parents. Your blue or brown eyes, your round or curved nose and even your teeth.

You can inherit teeth colors like reddish gray and reddish brown from your parents.

When genes are involved, sometimes it is best to speak with a dentist to evaluate a proper teeth whitening solution can be recommended for you.

2. Exposure Of Your Dentin

The enamel is normally a thick layer that covers the underlying gray dentin part of the teeth.

This exposure is caused by enamel erosion that results from the acidic attack of your enamel by acidic foods and drinks.

Poor oral hygiene also causes this enamel erosion.

Limiting your intake of acidic foods and committing to a proper brushing and flossing routine helps remineralize the enamel, improving its thickness in the process.

3. Smoking And Excessive Coffee Intake

Your enamel has this ability to absorb pigments from the foods and drinks you take, and these pigments decolorize the enamel when they seep in.

Two major culprits are nicotine from smoking and caffeine from coffee. These pigments get into the enamel giving it a brownish coloration.

So now you know why most smokers have brown teeth.

4. Antibiotics

Your baby’s teeth are all formed in the womb. And there are reports that prove that tetracycline antibiotics stain teeth even while they’re developing in the gums.

If your mother took these antibiotics during the second trimester of her pregnancy or you took them before turning eight, then you may need some kind of bleaching treatment where chemicals like hydrogen peroxide are used to whiten your teeth beyond their natural color.

5. Fluorosis

Dental fluorosis is a common disorder that occurs when large amounts of fluoride are ingested during enamel formation. Fluorosis appears as little whitish, yellowish or brownish spots on the teeth.

Train your kids not to swallow toothpaste or mouth rinses after using them to clean their teeth. And if they’re on any fluoride supplement, ask your dentist so an overdose of the supplement isn’t ingested.

6. Accidents

A large amount of pressure directed on the teeth as in accidents can cause a crack in the enamel, exposing the interior dentin and sometimes serving as a sign of an internal bleeding that’s not been discovered.

If you’re pregnant, make sure you’re not brushing your mouth after vomiting while experiencing morning sickness. This is because the acid from the stomach makes up a large part of the vomit that bathes the enamel.

This acidic solution demineralizes and weakens the structure of the enamel, so brushing after vomiting makes it easier for the already weakened enamel to experience erosion.

Wrap Up

So there you have it – six reasons why your teeth may become discolored over time along with the best practices on how to prevent each scenario.