As described in previous posts, there are many reasons why a person may get cavities, ranging from dry mouth to sugar intake.  Below is a list of, in my opinion, 5 of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy and strong:

1. Brush Regularly with Fluoride Toothpaste

Brushing keeps your teeth clean of bacteria.  Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel, as well as stopping bacteria from producing their decay forming acid.  We recommend PearlinBrite Mint Fluoride Toothpaste with Aloe Vera.

2. Visit your Dentist Regularly  

One of the best ways to catch cavities early and get them fixed, as well as keep your teeth free of plaque and calculus, is to visit your dentist.  Six months is the normal recall, but if you are at high risk for cavities, four or even three month recalls are preferable.

3. Reduce Fermentable Carbohydrates 

Reduce your intake of fermentable carbohydrates which includes anything with added sugar, and foods that stick in your mouth.  For example raisins are one of the worst foods in terms of causing cavities because they stick in your mouth for a long time.

4. Rinse with Water After Eating

When eating foods that do contain fermentable sugars, make sure to rinse with water soon after.  You don’t want to let the sugar sit on your teeth.  This is why children who sleep with there bottles in their mouths develop such bad cavities, the sugars sit on their teeth all night!

5. Drink Fluoridated Water

Yes, I know all the Internet lies that claim it is dangerous.  As a doctor to be, I can tell you there are mountains of scientific evidence showing the benefits of fluoride, and little to no scientific evidence showing any dangers when administered properly.  So stop living off bottled water and drink that good old fluoridated tap water to keep your teeth strong and healthy.